

これは--alter-foreign-keys-method= rebuild_constraintsを高速にするプラグインです。


pt-online-schema-change \
  --alter 'ADD num int' \
  h=localhost,u=root,D=employees,t=employees \
$ ./
Operation, tries, wait:
  analyze_table, 10, 1
  copy_rows, 10, 0.25
  create_triggers, 10, 1
  drop_triggers, 10, 1
  swap_tables, 10, 1
  update_foreign_keys, 10, 1
Child tables:
  `employees`.`dept_emp` (approx. 331143 rows)
  `employees`.`dept_manager` (approx. 24 rows)
  `employees`.`salaries` (approx. 2838426 rows)
  `employees`.`titles` (approx. 442010 rows)
You did not specify --alter-foreign-keys-method, but there are foreign keys that reference the table. Please read the tool's documentation carefully.



$ ./
2016-11-03T12:44:13 Copied rows OK.
2016-11-03T12:44:13 Swapping tables...
2016-11-03T12:44:13 Swapped original and new tables OK.
2016-11-03T12:44:13 Rebuilding foreign key constraints...
2016-11-03T12:44:35 Rebuilt foreign key constraints OK.
2016-11-03T12:44:35 Dropping old table...
2016-11-03T12:44:35 Dropped old table `employees`.`_employees_old` OK.
2016-11-03T12:44:35 Dropping triggers...
2016-11-03T12:44:35 Dropped triggers OK.
Successfully altered `employees`.`employees`.



2016-11-03T12:47:13 Copied rows OK.
2016-11-03T12:47:13 Drop-swapping tables...
2016-11-03T12:47:13 Analyzing new table...
2016-11-03T12:47:13 Dropped and swapped tables OK.
Not dropping old table because --no-drop-old-table was specified.
2016-11-03T12:47:13 Dropping triggers...
2016-11-03T12:47:13 Dropped triggers OK.
Successfully altered `employees`.`employees`.



pt-online-schema-change \
  --alter 'ADD num int' \
  --alter-foreign-keys-method=rebuild_constraints \ \
  h=localhost,u=root,D=employees,t=employees \
$ ./
2016-11-03T12:56:53 Copied rows OK.
2016-11-03T12:56:53 Analyzing new table...
2016-11-03T12:56:53 Swapping tables...
2016-11-03T12:56:53 Swapped original and new tables OK.
Disable foreign key checks
2016-11-03T12:56:53 Rebuilding foreign key constraints...
2016-11-03T12:56:53 Rebuilt foreign key constraints OK.
Enable foreign key checks
2016-11-03T12:56:53 Dropping old table...
2016-11-03T12:56:53 Dropped old table `employees`.`_employees_old` OK.
2016-11-03T12:56:53 Dropping triggers...
2016-11-03T12:56:53 Dropped triggers OK.
Successfully altered `employees`.`employees`.

ログを見るとわかると思いますが、FKの貼り替えの前後でFKのチェックを無効化→有効化するようにしています。 これでFK追加・削除時のテーブルコピーを行わないようにして、高速化しています。




  1. FKを無効化
  2. 子テーブルのFKを削除
  3. 親テーブルをスワップ
  4. 子テーブルのFKを再作成
  5. FKを有効化


*1:employees sample databaseを使ってます